Spring start with an amazing line up. Faithless begin on April 25 in NYC, Irving plaza was the venue and i consider that this types of places to kick concert like this one, this artist is ussed to play in arenas like wembley, but im pretty sure, that the reason is not enough audience and is totally understandable. Anyway the point is the tour related to the new album "To all New Arrivals" a very interesting collextion of tunes that focus on newlybon babies, the future of the world and the war ouf course. The tour have at least 3 songs of the new album and the rest was collection of the biggst hits: Salva Mea, Imsomnia, Weapon of Mas Destruction, Everything will be alright Tomorrow, God is a DJ, i Want More. The band play hard, compare the shows in Coachella, and the tour in England. The set list is very similar to the others cities and this is the type of badn that seems very gratefull to be on stage for a New York audience. I really love the show even if it was a small venue this people rock like i never seen before, dance music is complex to play in shows, bceause you don't have a clue if is everything is just computers or not, the drumer and the guitar player were amazing
The next show was Bjork, the tour related to the new album Volta is kicking United States and then Europe, we have to consider that bjork doesn't care about the mainstream, so even if the album wasn't out she is going to do a tour to promote and show in the way the we know her. Radio City Music Hall, which i don't consider the best venue for her, in 2003 she play at the kespan stadium in borrklyn which is the place for her, more free envoirment. The stage was interesting great guests that spice the show a little bit, bjork play almost the 70% of the new album and a few classical stuff like, Venus is a Boy, Army of Me, Joga, All is Full of Love. Electronics was one of the best part of the show, well doesn't call their djs, DJS she call them electronics, the girls who play all the orquestra from Iceland also the first song "Earth intruders" they brought the guys from Konomo, also the opening show that night.
Air launch the New album Pocket Sympohony so they decide to have a tour to promote this very mellow and cool new tunes. The show in the Madison Square Garden Theater prove that air can deliver i show beyond expectations, i really liked what they did, of course was 60% of the "Moon Safari" album, the Cherry Bloosom girl hit and others to name a few. I consider that was one of the cleanest sound i ever hear, you have such a level of details that night that you can apreciate guitar, drums and bass without loose the attention of electronics. god that was awsome.
Overall this first month is been good the shows are to the level of my expectations. Now is Summerstage and all the activcities related to music in NYC