In the recent years, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino are focusing on this type of plots that to me are not original as it is.
Im kind against several people, specially friends that they love this bloody carnage or situations like been in cafeterias talking about matters like, Madonna's songs or impressive vintage vehicles. So when i saw the long!!! double feature "Grindhouse" my intention was to be entertain, not bored, anyone can have their own opinion about it, but to me this movies wasn't what i was expecting to see.
Two years ago Rodriguez did Sin City, that really impressed me not only for the concept, also direction, performance and techniques develop. In Tarantino's case was Kill Bill, both movies a real piece of work, with a strong performance of Uma Thurman, of course those films still have similarities here. Honest i found more entertaining the trailers of the fake movies, "Machete" and "Werewolf Women of the SS" even the horror film "Don't" was hilarious.
Let me start with the movie "Planet Terror", is about this scientific experiment of that take place in a sinister town where everyone becomes monster inmidiatly , something that is nothing new to a film done in the late 60' also b movie. This story was funny, that's it, in some moments, specially situations with actors like Jeff Fahey, Michael Biehn Marley Shelton and his son scaping from the hospital and her broken hand, that was gross and the missing leg/wooden leg of Rose McGowan.
But at the end, well wasn't the end because several people though that the movies was ending and they left the theater without knowing that the Tarantino movie and some of the trailers hasn't even started yet. Thats the point when i realize that i was in a theater for 3 hours. Death Proof has one of Quentin signatures bring situations that you are asking why or what for? i was asking myself about Kurt Russell and his motivation of his actions and to me i never get it. May be i was so focusing on all this gorgeous woman's, Sidney Tamiia Poitier, Rosario Dawson, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Vanessa Ferlito to name a few that i loose the real feeling of the story, JA! But the case of Death Proff is i was bored in some point because Im was looking for to be more in deep of the story and is just insinuations of action scenes and smart filming, honest i didn't like it.
But i know that Tarantino's fan will love, sorry im not one of those, i love some his films, but this one, reminds me to "From Dusk Till Down" with no George Clooney and Salma Hayek.
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