Sunday, July 10, 2011

Pixar the new money-maker whore?

Pixar lost their touch. Cars 2 is the sequel of their famous first part that brought us two charismatics animated characters Lighting McQueen and Matter. This time involved in a worldwide conspiracy with spies and secret agents involved. The film bring really interesting things like having the voice of Michael Caine, Eddie Lizzard, John Tururro and Emily Mortimer as the new addition to the Cars world.

I recall several news articles about the film and tend to agree with them. The film is a pure merchandising piece, that unfortunately turns into money machine whore. I know is harsh to say this but having the character Matter sing the State Farm "jingle" hidden with different words, makes you feel disappointed.

The story is not engaging and is pure action and no foundation on the story like all the Pixar films, so what happen? what's wrong with this film? is Pixar lost the touch or Disney killed the touch?

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