Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hand santizer and Condoms

When Sony and David Fincher announce that they are going to do a remake of the swedish most successful film of all time. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I sad to myself: Fincher is the master of thriller and prove it with Seven, Panic Room and Zodiac. Nothing could go wrong. Well I was mistaken. Fincher didn't make the film better, he just revamped and make it a little cooler. Team up with part of the team from Social Network. The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo is a exploration of Mikael Bloomsky writer of Millennium and his search for Harriet Vager a woman who disappear 40 years ago. The film takes whole different directions in the plot and change the behavior of the main characters. Some of these changes are dramatic, they soft Lisbeth Salander in so many ways that I think the movie now a warm story between two underdog heroes who use their intelligence to catch a killer. Is hard to not compare things from the Swedish film vs the American version, from the sexual innuendo that is so Hollywood and less raw to a illogical moment of a Christmas card and tend to disagree with critics. The movie explore and bring characters that were missing in the original but took out elements that were necessary to understand the nature of Lisbeth behavior and way of living. Don't get me wrong Roonet Mara did a superb job performing this character. What really still thinking is something that I saw in the film: Rapist wear condoms and killers use hand sanitizer Fincher ruin the the movie, his biggest goals was to create an excellent environment for this movie,which he did. The cast was perfectly selected, beautiful photography, Articus and Trent always fantastic and the editing a masterpiece.

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