A guy sits by himself dictating a letter, sounds like a lover letter, also sounds personal, but at the same time seems to point out the impersonal that could be when this guy is trying to express his feelings by using a dictation software and then is revealed that is an anniversary letter. When the camera pulls back the audience discover a whole office that their solely business is to create this letters for someone.
The guy dictating the letter is Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) a lonely and introversive guy, like anyone that you bump on the street. A guy who loves technology, use it for everything, it fills his wishes and desires, from a game alone at home to the traditional online porn. We can see easily that Theodore needs company, at the moment he is dealing with a dramatic divorce with Catherine (Rooney Mara). Like anyone in this period of time, he needs to occupy his mind with something. Theodore decide to get the new OS operating system, the most intuitive of all, basically it adapts to the user and grow with it. That's when Samantha (Voice of Scarlett Johansson) appears. She gives Theodore company, entertain him and give him something special and unique to live.
Spike Jonze (director) explore a surreal world about computers who metaphorically speaking rule our worlds and lives, give us solutions to our daily activities, but also make us dependable of the information, the pleasures, the entertainment, but sadly make us dumb.
One of the most particulars characters on the film is Olivia Wilde. Some friends of Theodore fix a date with this girl just to fill the loneliness and eventually help him with his love life. Throughout the date scene you discover that this girl is exactly like some of the girls you can meet using an online dating site, just girls as needy and desperate like this one, a girl with conditions but also with so much necessities. That's how you realize that in the world of technology people find love, pleasure, lust, entertainment, fun, but also the discovery of psychological illness.
Theodore and the rest of the characters shown their true skin just by see them interacting with their computers and their systems, that sort of help our lives to make it "easy" but at the end of the day can destroy our ability to be just us, humans.
If you recall computers in movies and the effect, you can see Hal from 2001, T800 and T1000 The Terminator The Replicants in Blade Runner, Tron you will see that most of the computers, devices and operating systems come to the humans as a total novelty, but then you discover how so much bad can do to you, physically and mentally
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