When I first read that "The Wolf of Wall Street" I was wondering how difficult and complicated will be to make this movie. From the length of the story to the cast and the esthetics behind the film.
After watching the film, which cause me a headache after I finished the long 3 hours I will say that this movie should be called: Gordon Gekko's Wall Street on Steroids. The story of Wolf of Wall Street, tell the story of Jordan Belfort a stockbroker who started woking in the business in 1987. During a stock crisis he lost his job and started working on a Long Island boiler room which deals with penny stocks. His pitching style earn him a fortune, after meeting Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill) they decide to open a their own firm. The story continues with the rise of Jordan's company, the lifestyle that goes from expensive prostitutes and drugs. Overall the film is intense, you can see Marty signature all over the place, from his typical filmmaking, Thelma Schoonmaker editing style and rhythm.
Unfortunately the problem of the movie is tell the tale in 3 hours, you can see how was cut and understand the lack of information in some characters as well the plot. Some nudity was necessary to show the excess of the stock brokers lifestyle, but to show the debauchery happening there you can use smarter tools.
The Wolf of Wall Street tried embrace the luxury, the excess and the pleasure of that lifestyle. Jordan Belfort and their team of con artist are heroes, their funny and they not representing any evil. But at the end of the day, they stole people money for their own pleasure. None is punished, comparing to Goodfellas, the last one, show you the good and the bad of been against the law.
Di Caprio is amazing and earn his reward as experienced actor, Jonah Hill is great, Matthew McConaughey is really good besides his limited screen time. I love Rob Reiner performance.
Overall the film is entertaining
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