Who is Gloria?
Gloria is a middle age woman, recently divorce, lonely by missing her son and daughter, by wanted to be alive again. Not by just going to clubs and dance with every guy on the room. "Gloria" wants to be loved again.
Sebastián Leilo director of the film "Gloria" creates timeless story about a woman searching for what is missing for her. Pleasure, in the context of human beings the pleasure of been loved, been desire, been able to express yourself without judgment or dance with someone, enjoying good music. This kind of pleasures can been seen from the very beginning of the movie. Gloria singing in the car while she drives to work, then after hours heading to a club and dancing, meeting a older guy, here and there. That's when she meet Rodolfo a retired naval officer, who shows her at the very beginning pleasures that she wanted.
From fine dinner, learning of how to play paintball, to good and intense sex. Gloria discover that Rodolfo is a total jerk who support his early thirty daughters as well his wife who was separated a year ago.
The film presents a strong dilemma, been with someone or been alone. There is several vignettes in the film "Gloria" that semiotically represents Gloria demise and resurrection as a woman and human being. From facing a white peacock in a wedding, to accepting the presence of a bald cat who escape from his junky neighbor to a personal reflection after hearing the tune The Waters of March.
On the other hand the movie Gloria is filled with small details in the scenes, things that make it unique, Gloria and Rodolfo before having sex they start removing corset as a ritual by peeling the ages that both characters are facing.
Gloria is a very powerful film, with a slow pace, but with a fantastic actress Paulina Garcia.
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