Love, the lack of it and the lost of it. Can be expressed in words, and expressions, but also in music. Composers and songwriters do it all the time. You can be in love with a song, feel sad about a lost love or even feel melancholy for not been in love.
The film "Begin Again" directed by John Carney (Once) is the story of two lost souls in the streets of NYC. Dan Mulligan (Mark Ruffalo) a struggling record label executive, divorced, unrelated to his teenager daughter and loosing his record label meet in a East Village bar Gretta (Kiera Knigthley) a young songwriter who travels with her boyfriend at the time Dave Kohl (Adam Levine) a big shot songwriter and singer who is brought to NY for a record deal, a few months later Dave break up with Gretta, after having an affair with an intern from the record label.
This two souls Dan and Gretta, connect each others to produce a record with songs written by Gretta and using NY sounds and places as a backdrop of the album. The whole experience will be a learning curve for Gretta and Dan.
Begin Again is a fun romantic comedy that makes you feel in love about NY with music and personal experiences.
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