Blue and Not So Pink (Azul y no Tan Rosa) tells the story Diego (Guillermo García) a photographer living the best time of his life with his partner Fabrizio (Sócrates Serrano) a respected doctor. Diego have a turbulent past, when he was younger he had a kid Armando (Nacho Montes) with his high school sweetheart, Armando and his mother live in Spain.
After tragic events of an homophobic attack that ends Fabrizio in coma, Diego is forced to recover the lost time with Armando, this will become a intense relationship of discovering and learning. Diego's best friend is a drag queen by the name Delirio del Rio played by Hilda Abrahamz who bring sense to the story with gay jokes and spicing up some of the situations that happen on the film.
Miguel Ferrari directs this film about very important social issues: homophobic violence, homosexuality, transsexualism and domestic violence. "Blue and Not So Pink" becomes another great film about tolerance and respect of every human being no matter their sexual orientation.
In a way the film is powerful, but the story is not new. Some of the movie have reminiscence to the Australian film "Priscilla Queen of the Desert". Where a group of drag queens embarked themselves into a road trip to from Sidney to the great outback. Anthony Belrose (Hugo Weaving) have a lost child like in "Blue and Not So Pink" have a great friend drag queen as well, Adam Whitely/Felicia Jollygoodfellow (Guy Pierce) which also reminds me to Delirio del Rio played by Hilda Abrahamz. Besides "Blue and Not So Pink" film doesn't have a road trip as a main plot for the film, it offers one near the end of the movie. The besides this similarity both films offer strong messages about tolerance against homophobic practice.
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