An early morning in the pacific northwest, a young punk band are parked in the middle of a cornfield tired of a long tour. Pat (Anton Yeltchin), Sam (Alia Poots), Reece (Joe Cole) and Tiger (Callum Turner) are the members of the band “The Ain’t Rights” This kids are perfect representation of a true millennials: broke, full of energy, with no future in place and ready to take over the world.
After meeting a radio host Tad he arrange a gig for them, they end up in a bar own by neo-Nazi skinhead. The environment is heavy and the band “The Ain’t Rights” feel that, you can sense the hate of the audience, which react aggressively to their first song: Dead Kennedys cover of “Nazi Punks Fuck Off”. After their gig Sam forget her cellphone at the Green Room and Pat decided to retrieve it, inside he finds a dead body next to some club regulars. Suddenly Pat grabs the phone trying to call 911, but is stopped by Gabe who manage the bar.
Is time for the club owner to make an appearance and try to do “damage control” Darcy Banker (Patrick Stewart) bring several options to the table in order to clean up this mess, the rest is history…
Jeremy Saulnier (Blue Ruin) brings the perfect thriller, a movie filled with violence and unexpected situations, none is safe in the Green Room, I mean none. It also bring a great political metaphor about the America we are living.
A group of millennial’s a punk band bringing messages about them who are trying to survive in a world where the establishment the bar owner and their associates send messages of hate and destruction. The confederate flag, swastikas and the skin head culture are trying to hide their criminal activities drugs and murders. Is clear that Saulnier connects this story with the recent events in “Oregon’s Standoff” leads by Anti-Government militias.
One of the strongest message in the film is Pat story about him and his friend fighting a group of Iraq veterans in a paintball tournament, he suggest how is possible for them to win against this highly trained people? We you just have bring everything you got. Is like trying to escape the green room from an army of neo-Nazi skinheads…
The film directing is outstanding, as well the editing, cinematography and sound design.
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