Monday, September 19, 2016

The search for truth and justice always come with consequences. We live in a world where liberties are at risk, but also there is an illusion of liberties in general. The invasion of privacy for the greater good is the price that civilians have tho pay in order to catch groups who are trying to hurt our people in the most unimaginable ways.

Our laws have so many gray areas and people feel that the government is not trusted just for a simple reason. In order to find mayor threats we need to break the law.

This is the mayor focus of Oliver Stone’s movie “Snowden” Edward Joseph Snowden (Joseph Gordon Levitt) born in Elizabeth, NC. is a computer professional who worked for the CIA and also was a former contractor for the NSA. The film starts the story when he is training in the Army Reserve suddenly he breaks his legs in an accident and later discharged. Hi interest in computers leads him to apply into a position at the CIA, where he meets Corbin O’Brien (Rhyys Ifans) who hire him as one of his top computer wizard.

The film use as main arc Laura Poitras (Melisa Leo) Glenn Greenwald (Zachary Quinto) and Ewen MacAskill (Tom Wilkinson) famous interview in China after Snowden leaves the USA and bringing a collection of secret classify documents from NSA servers. This sub scenes allow the audience to connects with Snowden personal conflicts about the secret programs from the US government spying their people, but also his political view during the Irak war, his commitment to a job that not only was his passion, sometimes was his own obsession. During his relationship scenes with Lindsay Mills (Shailene Woodley) he experiences happy moments in his life, but also makes him doubt about the work that he is doing for the government looking for a more mundane life.

Olive Stone drives the movie with a film structure which develops between the years 2003 to 2014, but specifically pays attention to the crucial days where Ed Snowden is hidden in a Chinese hotel with the group of journalist. Joseph Gordon Levitt is excellent playing the famous whistleblower, sometimes his physique and posture tricks you, which is very scary. One my favorite performance is by Nicolas Cage playing Hank Forrester.

The films excessive drama, specially of Ed and Lindsey relationship ruin part of the experience. At the beginning of the movie we been warned with opening titles: This film is a dramatization, which prepare the audience for a not be very accurate story. But according to a media personality Alex Jones, he talks about the scariness of what the film portrays and how the government collects data from their citizens, from social media to constant communication.

Snowden is a great film representation of what’s happening in the world of hacking, invasion of privacy but also the conflicts between serve your country and respect the liberties of every citizen.

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