During the year 2001 to 2010 a TV show named Scrub captivate audiences around the world, specially with the character Dr J.D. Dorian play by Zach Braff. After those years Braff was fine tuning and idea, become a director. In 2004 the release of his film “Garden State” mesmerized becoming a sort of cult classic, in 2013 he directed “Wish I Was Here”, fully financed with Kickstater.
Those movies represents a constant soul searching as a character and as a human begin. Perhaps Braff decided to leave that path and go back to his roots in comedy with his third film “Going on Style”
Joe (Michael Caine), Willie (Morgan Freeman) and Albert (Alan Arkin) are senior citizens who lives in NYC, they been friends for years. An unpleasant circumstances they loose their pensions because the company they worked for was bought. Joe received the news at his bank that his going loose his home in 30 days, at the same time he witness the robbery of the bank, where the robbers scape with the money. For Joe is a epiphany, rob a bank with his buddies will be the best solution to solve of their problems.
“Going on Style” is a light comedy with a glimpse of so many heist movies, you can even hint some of the story of Hell or High Water, a well reviewed film about a series of bank robberies in Texas. The movie attempts to bring so many talented actors is not enough to make this film meaningful. In fact the movie don’t bring anything new to the table, is just something that you could watch on an Sunday afternoon when you are very bored. My biggest problem is the look of the film, it look budget limited and have a lack of production value.
The expectations are not that high when you see the trailer, but when you see the film, you are totally unimpressed.
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