Monday, January 29, 2018

Decisions and consequences represent the main core of films like Star Wars. In one film or the other, try to solve a problem by creating another problem is perhaps the biggest metaphor of how Walt Dinsey bought Lucasfilm to solve a problem: how we can make more movies to make more money and still make everyone happy. Perhaps when you put all these elements into the mix, the biggest issue will be: is it possible to entertain and follow the right path to keep the fans at ease?
Star Wars: Last Jedi is the perfect explanation to this first paragraph. JJ Abrahams set the foundation for a new trilogy that technically is not new is just a collection of old stuff but repurpose in a way that looks different. Rian Johnson (Looper and Brick) brought a new Empire Strike Back mash up, but this time, he really broke the linear tribute to old films and decided to create a renegade version of the main characters and turn them into welcoming childhood memories who are just tired of all this.
The film started right where Force Awakens ends, Luke (Mark Hamill) is an old master who just wants to forget whatever he has done for the galaxy, rejecting training Rey and just trying to bury the past. General Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) is leading a counterattack against the First Order. Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) is on a mission and it will not take NO for an answer.
Finn (John Boyega) woke up for a deep sleep after been hurt by Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and he wants to help any way possible. With all these foundations. We see a couple of characters troubled by happenings that require decisions with consequences. These decisions are based on challenging code of honors, ignoring high powers and bureaucracy.
For example, the Casino scene where Rose and Finn pretend to find the code breaker to solve the issue of the First Order been able to follow the Resistance ships is the clear example of decisions were you try to achieve something and with no results. The same thing happens to Rey and Luke, she works so hard to be trained by him, but at the end, she is with Kylo almost fighting together as brothers or friends.
When you see Last Jedi you asked yourself, did Rian Johson and Disney achieved whatever they wanted to do with this movie? Or this movie is the consequence of certain decisions.
I have never seen a Star Wars movie so polarized, the film is fun, entertain, I got so much stress watching it, but at the end, there was only one scene that impressed me so much. Vice Admiral Holdo (Laura Dern) crashing the Resistance ships crashing against The first order mothership in lightspeed.
Probably Stars Wars last Jedi will be remembered as the film that a big amount of fans hate, but also the movie that changed the course of Star Wars history, by blowing everyone mind and the fans never noticed.

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