In 1982 a film directed by Ridley Scott, revolutionized filmmaking, set the path of a clear vision of the future, but also redefine sci-fi. Blade Runner is the story of Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) a cop responsible of eliminate a breed of human like androids, replicants Nexus 6 in a Los Angeles in 2021.
Now 25 years have past and Ridley Scott this time as a executive producer brings with the help of top notch filmmakers the continuation of Deckard story still in Los Angeles. Blade Runner 2049 directed by Denise Villeneuve (Sciario, Arrival) This time is a very polluted and dense atmosphere in Los Angeles, life seems to be quitter not because the suburban life, but because of the decay, the city itself looks saturated buy the colors, holograms, advertising and the population. It’s kind of like the original version of Blade Runner but on steroids, more damaged and dangerous. Detective K (Ryan Goslin) is the last breed of Replicant hunters, now chasing Nexus 8. He discovered remains of a body which guide him to a big revelation that none wants to unveil, even K superior Lieutenant Joshi (Robin Wright) force him to hide.
K is always in company of Joi (Ana de Armas) a holographic character who is been sold in major stores around the city as a response to lonely people, is a wife, a courtesan, a girlfriend… On the other hand Tyrel Corporation no longer exist, it was absorbed by Wallace Corporation, CEO Niander Wallace (Jared Leto) is a mash up of big Silicon Valley and a religious leader who wants desperately to expand replicants and start a interstellar colonization. Officer K will visit Wallace Corporations with traces in order to find the identity of this person, Wallace assistant Luv (Sylvia Hoeks) follows him to discover the truth.
Blade Runner 2049 to me could be a new sci-fi instant classic, with audiences and critics divided, in a outstanding 163 minutes, the film presents a stunning visual future, brought to you but one of the most legendaries cinematographers Roger Deakins. The story respect and is not intended to manipulate of disrespect the original film, but continue the story of Deckard and the intricate connections from relicants who still trying to scape from elimination. New mysteries showing sign possible reproduction of this humanoids, but also how society is wiping humans replacing them with fictitious devices. Los Angeles is beautiful, stunning and cruel, brightness is seen by powerful lights and flat cloudy days.
Villeneuve shaped a new foundation to the story Scott brought in 1982, but also a blue print of sci-fi films to come. Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch pay tribute to Vangelis with a wonderful score.
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