During the 1950's a filmmaker, Edward D Wood Jr. created the most bizarre and strange piece of American films ever made. Based on the stock footage, his genius and a group of outlaws actors. His creations mostly were guerrilla-style filmmaking, low budget and focusing on horror. After a few years, he has declared the worst director of all time His work is now considered cult movies and people wait in line to see it on the big screen, even directors like Tim Burton did a biographical piece about him.
None have ever come close to do what he did, until the late 90's, when a character named Tommy Wiseau, make what is now considered one of the works films for all The Room.
The Disaster Artist is the biographical comedy-drama film directed by James Franco about the friendship of Greg Sestero (Dave Franco) and Tommy Wiseau (James Franco) who meet in San Francisco, studying acting, later quitting everything to move to Los Angeles and make it in Hollywood.
Hollywood has always loved a good story about them, making films, the success, and failures of filmmakers, actors, and the Hollywood system.
What makes interesting The Disaster Artist is sort of a Robert Alman-eske type of film where several Hollywood starts decided to collaborate and pay tribute to a mysterious director, Wiseau who at this point none knows where he is from, where the money for The Room came from and how is Tommy.
The film starts in 1998 when Gregg and Tommy meets, their journey to L.A. their attempt to be in Hollywood, the production of the film, until it's premiere. Tommy Wiseau is fascinating and James Franco makes a great impression on the character, his mannerism, and his fake laugh.
The Disaster Artist delivers a great film about friendship, Hollywood and how to be successful in the industry making a really bad film.
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