Sunday, July 10, 2011

James Cameron tricked me

After and intense debate and a very persuasive soft campaign from James Cameron about the best allegedly the best 3D on film yet, I decide to give a shot to the movie.

Everything works the way that Hollywood knows best. I'm very disappointing, this film is less than there predecessor and I have to confess that I never watched the 2nd film, why? because doesn't worth it and I knew that will be a waste of time.

Transformers The Dark Side of the Moon is the continuation on the same ridiculous plot from the other two films. With two new additional elements in mind, a new hotie, courtesy by Victoria Secrets and a few small parts from real stars.

So why I'm even mentioned that is a plot? well because there is one. A sketch of an incomplete idea , but for some studios and his arrogant director Michael Bay who thinks that this is a film, and also a blockbuster film. Good for them! they make their money and their really happy with that.

Well this pseudo called movie, have talents such as John Malkovich, Fances McDormand and Jhon Turturro, wasting their capabilities and also making money as it best!

A waste of 3D look that doesn't impress at all.

The only thing that really makes me keep this movie watching is none of other than Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

I thought that the critics were, well I was wrong too, this film is bad.

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