Monday, January 9, 2012

J Edgar

With high expectations I wanted to see this movie so badly. Clint Eastwood and Leonardo Di Caprio together and a biopic about J Edgar was enough to say "a must see". I was wrong. The film about the life of a controversial character of the US history turns into a disappoint soap opera about Hoover devotion to his mom and the FBI. His obsessions about criminals and dangerous threats to America. and his homosexuality. The estrange structure of this movie take us from his early childhood and how he escalate every step of power in order to reach the biggest position besides Justice Department. Di Caprio give us a fine performance and no doubt that he will earn several awards and nominations. Eastwood do what he do best, but in this film is not as powerful as other movies that he done in the past. The film is flat and lack emotional moments, because the pace and structure of the movie. All I can say the make it was not good

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