Monday, August 19, 2013

Since early 2000 independent films are establishing an interesting pattern of freshen up the summer with interesting stories, less epic and VFXless. In 2006 Little Miss Sunshine change the course of the summer and most of filmmakers saw a trend. Why not bring great stories, fun and human allowing them to get into theaters appealing audiences tired of visual effects and plot with meaning. Most of this films already successful coming from Sundance circuit.

This year the team winner of the Academy of Awards for best screenplay fro The Descendants, create a little film called :The Way, Way Back.

The Way, Way Back tell the story of a 14 year old kid name Duncan on a summer vacation with his mom played by Toni Collete and her overbearing boyfriend Steve Carell. Duncan is trying to fit in this world and well meeting with kids of his ages and appeal to girls. In this search he find himself meeting the manager of Water Wizz park Owen played by Sam Rockwell. Thanks to this experience he will grow as a human being and connects with the world, specially his mom.

The film is a true gem, Sam Rockewell and Allison Janney are fantastic in this film. Hope to see some Spirit Awards and Oscars here.

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