Monday, November 11, 2013

Every film that explores real life situations about AIDS patient are considered films about struggle and should searching, with a mesmerizing message. The film Dallas Buyer Club plays the opposite message telling the tale of a real life cowboy Ron Woodroof (Matthew McConaughey) consider himself homophobic and at the same time a promiscuous risky guy, who enjoy alcohol and drugs.
When the film start you see a semiotic message of a guy riding a bull, while you can see Matthew McConaughey character having sex right across the of the gates at the rodeo, looking at the action in the shadows. The paradox is two very dangerous activities with life treating conclusion.
That's what the film is all about, chasing danger while making life worth. Matthew McConaughey transform himself as skinny at could be with a Academy Award winning role, while Jared Leto perform as a transgender person who is also sick for the epidemic of Aids.
Dallas Buyer Club takes place in a very conflicted time for the US 1985, when Rock Hudson makes his announcement of AIDS decease and the beginning, a confusing time for people, deaths, sickness and no hope. Also a time for opportunism from pharmaceutical companies who look for make prophets with the decease.
The cast is strong, but the film is slow, the pace takes you to the miraculous life of Ron Woodroof on how he beat the odds of 30 days of life, and how he tricked the FDA and change the rule for AIDS patients.

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