Thursday, November 7, 2013

Spectacular now follow the tradition of indy films about love relationships with conflicted characters and misfortune situations.
Similar films like this one The Perks of Been a Wallflower, Submarine, 500 Days of the Summer. Spectacular Now tells the story of Sutter (Miles Teller) a popular kid from school, self possessed, charming and party lover who suddenly is been dumped by her popular girlfriend Cassidy(Brie Larson).
Suddenly after a long night of partying Sutter meets Aimee (Shailene Woodley) a not-so-typical "nice girl" who loves comic books and doesn't have a boyfriend.
The film explores several problem for youngsters in America. The search to fit in, by been popular, becomes a social drinker, potentially alcoholic, promiscuity, romantic rebounds, social goals and dreams about the future.
The cast is pretty good and delivers strong performance throughout the whole film.
The film is smart, sad and makes you think about life.

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